Straight On 'Til Morning by K.J. Sutton

Straight On 'Til Morning by K.J. Sutton

Published: May 16th 2021 by Once Upon a Time Books, LLC

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 3/5

Sutton’s vision of Neverland was wonderful. Neverland was kind of a terrifying place, with more and more danger at every turn, but for the brave of heart, more and more adventure as well. I liked the family ties that were also Sutton’s unique stamp on the characters in this retelling. 

This was definitely highlighted as a smutty Peter Pan retelling, and while there was definitely a good dose of smut and strong romance theme, the chemistry between Wendy and Peter didn’t really work for me. It made strides towards the end, but felt off throughout most of the story.

Magic: 4/5

The magic of Neverland was great. All the creatures that you’d expect, pirates, mermaids, fairies, plus a whole lot more. 

Overall: 3/5

Enjoy a fun return to Neverland with a dose of smut. Wendy is the star of this show wanting to experience adventure that she can’t as a woman in 1895 London. The traditional Neverland characters make their appearance along with some new unique interpretations.

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