5 Questions with K.L. Kolarich

5 Questions with K.L. Kolarich

K.L. Kolarich’s debut book, House of Bastiion is out today! Check out our book review here . To help her celebrate the release that introduces us to the captivating world of Orythia, we wanted to ask her a few questions.

1. Let's start with the basics, as your debut book, why did you want to tell this story?

I began writing House of Bastiion after a trusted confidant encouraged me to abandon another project altogether, one assuredly more respectable than the fantastical books that actually clutter my shelves. Once I gave myself permission to let go of these made-up confines and expectations, this whole new world opened up, like a chasm I never knew existed; one that couldn't be sewn shut once no matter how hard I tried. As Orynthia, a kingdom united in their division, started to take shape, so did it's representatives. Over time, they formed an alliance to haunt me, never content to be forgotten or put in a mental drawer.

But the real story began when I discovered their scars, those deep-seated voids that propel them forward. Pain is an equalizer, a unifier, a familiar foe that binds us together. It gives us the capacity to make allowances and to open our eyes more widely to the things we otherwise wouldn't understand. Each of our heroes in House of Bastiion, and throughout the entire THL series, is embarking on an evolution. That's why I wanted to tell this story. In differing yet complimentary ways, it's the story of all of us.

2. The fans need to know, what's your Orynthian House? Why?

I love this question because the truth is, I've sprinkled bits of my personality throughout them all. To most friends and family, I embody the House of Boreal; they more than anyone know how my head often dictates my heart. But behind that curtain of self-discipline are the sneakier aspects of demeanor, the bits that aren't permitted to leave the premises. My humor, undoubtedly belongs to Bastiion. I try to limit my dirty jokes to a tight-knit circle of forgivables, but with Ira, things are bound to slip out. (See, he would've loved to say that line). Conversely and unflatteringly, my internal narrative and affinity for projecting outcomes is innately Pilarese.

I am least like Darakai, that honor belongs to my wonderfully boisterous and eruptive spouse, who like Zaethan, comically splatters his every whim and feeling for all to see within a mile-wide radius. It's gloriously unproductive, and for some reason, annoyingly endearing.

3. House of Bastiion references a fairly extensive apothic catalog, what drew you to this detail of Orynthia?

At first, this was simply a pragmatic solution to an increasingly tedious problem when worldbuilding. While the world of Orynthia is entirely made-up, there are certain elements that correspond to our own, just as many others do not. I found it much more rational that any region enhanced by lumin in their soil, would consequently grow unique herbs and medicinal resources modified by that light-energy. Once I brainstormed a few, I just couldn't stop. At a certain point, there was no other option but to commission an illustrator who specialized in botany to create a formal catalog. I mean, after the holidays, we all could use a little kheflre root...

4. Did you have any favorite scenes that you edited out of the final story?

Actually, it was quite the opposite! One way in which my editor came alongside me was to identify scenes that needed a little more emotion. As I mentioned, my head tends to govern everything else, rendering my feelings a bit duller on the surface. They are there, I assure you. However, this apparently bleeds into my writing, inviting a final "feelings" pass through the manuscript. Once all the kinks are smoothed out, the rational part of my brain pacified, I can then add color that wasn't originally there.
One favorite of such scenes (though there are a handful) is in chapter 32, wherein both protagonists reveal another side to the prism of their character. There is a lot of grief behind some of those words, as well as unwarranted grace. To me, that's what it means to be human; grief alongside grace. Writing that into effect was so satisfyingly therapeutic, as the individual who single-handedly puts up with their antics on a regular basis.

5. For our aspiring authors, what's the most difficult part of your process?

While I can't speak for anyone else, I'd say the hardest part even still is brushing off the antagonizing whisper that licks my ears each time I sit down to write. It drips gut-wrenching assumptions like, "you're wasting your time" or "no one will ever want to read this", etc. Imposter syndrome is real, but thankfully in talking to other authors more successful than myself, it's completely common, no matter one's status on Goodreads.
In my opinion, it's critical to remember why you even started writing your story in the first place. I'd wager it wasn't for the future readers, not initially. It was for you. When I started writing House of Bastiion all those years ago, I told my husband, "my labor is a success if at the end of the day, I see my favorite book on our shelf". That's your charge: write your favorite book. No one is going to love it, cherish it, or crave it more than you do. So chase after it, joyfully and with abandon.

Besides, if your characters are anything like mine, they'll drive you mad until you do them justice.

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Books in the series:

More about K.L. Kolarich

K.L. Kolarich is a debut New-Adult Fantasy Fiction author, based out of Nashville, TN. Growing up in Metro Detroit, Kolarich developed a deep love for eclectic variety as well as the underappreciated. Both themes readily present throughout her series, The Haidren Legacy.

An individual plagued by sarcasm, conviction, and an ever-present distraction of fable and lore, K.L. Kolarich dreams in the day and writes through the night. Often hearing her characters argue in the background, Kolarich stifles the daily temptation to abandon reality and lose herself in the realm of Orynthia.

When fully present in the real world rather than another, Kolarich explores local waterfalls, habitually frequents the same Thai restaurant, adds to her ever-growing spice collection, and maintains a thoroughly messy kitchen for the sake of colorful vegan feasts.

With too many cats and not nearly enough wine, Kolarich resides in the woods away from the noise, happily married.

Books by the Author:

Scavenge the Stars (Scavenge the Stars #1) by Tara Sim

Scavenge the Stars (Scavenge the Stars #1) by Tara Sim

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