One Fell Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles #3) by Ilona Andrews

One Fell Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles #3) by Ilona Andrews

Published: December 20th 2016

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 4/5

After successfully hosting the interstellar peace summit in the last novel, Dina has no time to rest before her next adventure. I liked this book because it starts to pull the family story into the main story. All along Dina has wanted to find her parents, she has a sister living her own life with her vampire husband and a brother out searching the galaxy for their parents, but no one has shown up as a character in the story yet.

This book kicks off pulling Dina’s sister Maud and her daughter Helen front and center in the story line. Bringing them together was a small mission in the grand scheme of the book, but it sets them up to work together at the inn to protect their newest guests, a viciously hunted race. Dina, Maud, Arland and Sean work together with Gertrude Hunt to protect their guests from assassins. This ensemble group of characters were wonderful together. Sisters reuniting, leaps in love and Her Grace just sipping her drink and watching everything.

Magic: 4/5 

The connection between an innkeeper and her inn took on new life in this book. Not just the relationship between Dina and Gertrude Hunt, but between those Dina grants authority within the inn and the inn. There are also some interesting new facets of the innkeepers assembly as we’re introduced to some dark toxin that impacts the innkeepers peacekeeping authorities. 

This installment really brings the best and worst of an innkeepers' connection with her inn. 

Overall: 4/5

While this story was again self-contained, it certainly set us up for an epic next book as Dina starts a new search for her parents.

Other Books in the Series

Sweep of the Blade (Innkeeper Chronicles #4) by Ilona Andrews

Sweep of the Blade (Innkeeper Chronicles #4) by Ilona Andrews

Sweep In Peace (Innkeeper Chronicles #2) by Ilona Andrews

Sweep In Peace (Innkeeper Chronicles #2) by Ilona Andrews