Aofie's Quest (Gods & Goddess of Labraid Book 1) by Angela J. Ford

Aofie's Quest (Gods & Goddess of Labraid Book 1) by Angela J. Ford

Published: March 26th 2021

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 3.5/5

Aofie is off on a quest to please the gods and find her destiny. A child of royal blood, she has a lot of questions about why she was left with the centaurs and what she is meant to do in the greater world. The story is pretty info heavy at the beginning, but it quickly moves into quest-mode. This is definitely a coming of age story and I like that Aofie’s character is quick to realize she doesn’t know much. She wants to do what’s right, but in a lot of cases she doesn’t have enough context.

While deadly with a blade, this book is about building Aofie’s life experience. She has to learn about her magic and choose her destiny. The choices she makes for her larger quest will be a direct result of who she decides to trust and rely on in her journey.

Magic: 3/5

While many races in Labraid, the magic system seems consistent. All those who have magic, whether they are elves, gods or other seem to wield the same magic. We seem to get the most sense of magic from the elves, but that leaves a lot of questions, as even with significant time with the elves, it’s not clear what Aofie has learned, or of what she’s fully capable. I anticipate we’ll get a lot more of this in the next book.

Overall: 3.5/5

A magical introduction to a new world of gods and demons. Aofie is a heroine ready to find her way in the greater world and make an impact on the path she chooses.

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