No Man Can Tame (The Dark-Elves of Nightbloom #1) by Miranda Honfleur

No Man Can Tame (The Dark-Elves of Nightbloom #1) by Miranda Honfleur

Published: December 26th 2018 by Miranda Honfleur

Goodreads synopsis


Myth 4.5/5

Aless and Veron are near perfect main characters with opposing goals, both convinced they know the best way to ensure peace for both their peoples. Aless is the stubborn human princess determined to bring her mother’s goal of a peaceful library to life, despite the men who get in her way.  Veron, the dark-elf prince, knows no other loyalty than to his Queen mother, even if that means obeying orders to marry a soft, self-absorbed human.

I love that they are both practical and admit their mistakes and try to right them, even though a series of cultural misunderstandings keep pushing them apart from one another.  In addition to their own feelings, they are both determined to gain political alliances to foster peace.  We see them work together against their people’s racism and xenophobia, and whether the culmination of their efforts results in alliances that fail or hold true. 

We also get a lot of great side characters with their own history, wants, needs and choices, which always make for a better, well rounded story.

Magic 4.5

This is set in the same magical world as Blade & Rose, a land where magical beings were frozen for 2,000 years and have recently re-awakened. Alessa is all too human with her stubborn personality, wits and passionate heart, but she is engaged to a Dark Night-Elf, with blue skin, white hair, yellow eyes and clawed hands. His vicious, militaristic upbringing will be used to protect his people and his new human alliances against a world now infested with dragons, harpies and more, including the human Brotherhood aligned against them.

Overall 4.5/5

A unique, magical world full of smart characters who always believe they’re doing the right thing… even when they’re pitted against one another.

Other books in the series:

Bright of the Moon (The Dark-Elves of Nightbloom #2) by Miranda Honfleur

Bright of the Moon (The Dark-Elves of Nightbloom #2) by Miranda Honfleur

Music of the Night (Tower Knights #1) by Angela J. Ford

Music of the Night (Tower Knights #1) by Angela J. Ford