Reprise (Soul Guardians #1) by Eva LeNoir

Reprise (Soul Guardians #1) by Eva LeNoir

We received an advanced reader copy of this book.

Published: May 4, 2021

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 3.5/5

Reprise was definitely a story about coming full circle, incorporating life and death, guilt and penance, hate and love. We join Mara for her journey to understand the choices she made in life and how they impact her soul in death. A very cool aspect to this book is that Mara is in charge of her journey. She has support, those that are willing to help her on her way, but they are for the most part, passive, giving Mara the opportunity to choose her fate.

Magic: 3/5

The story takes place in Purgatory, a waiting place, while Mara thinks through her death. Mara needs to analyze herself to really understand where she belongs for all eternity, and with the help of a few of the residents of Purgatory, she makes her way through a ‘ghosts of Christmas past’ set of scenes. 

The world of Purgatory was different, but as its name and context suggest, it wasn’t anything exciting, it was a waiting place. The real magic was in the way Mara was able to analyze her actions and see her life through another lense.

Overall: 3.5/5

A unique paranormal romance, Reprise took a hard look at struggles with depression and death while giving the reader a peek into the world of guardian angels.

Meet Eva: 

Eva LeNoir lives in France with her husband, two sons and the entire food chain in pets: From fish to gerbils to cats and a dog. With a full-time job that pays the bills, she reserves all of her free time to doing what she loves most: Writing.
Eva likes teasing her husband that she should have married a billionaire so she could stay home and write all day. But then he makes her laugh at his silly antics and all dreams of lavish lifestyles evaporate from her mind. 

A softie at heart, Eva can be seen crying whenever anything emotional is on TV or the radio. Yes, even commercials. So, if ever you meet her, make sure to bring a box of tissues and a good episode of Grey's Anatomy to witness the epic tear fest.

There are three things she believes unconditionally: Love really does conquer all, Humans are still inherently good and Wine and Cheese will solve all the problems of the world.

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