Prism (The Color Alchemist #1) by Nina Walker

Prism (The Color Alchemist #1) by Nina Walker

Published: August 17th 2017 by Addison & Gray Press

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 3/5

What a fun introduction to the Color Alchemist world. A sort of dystopian state of America with the added bonus of color magic. This is the first book in a four book series so there is still a lot to learn about the color magic, but the world building of the future society, and the lies told to the citizens was captivating. This book was a great start to an intricate web of family and potential romantic relationships. It was definitely set to build a lot of complexities for the characters in the future books.

There was a little bit of repetition in the writing as the characters were processing things. I understood the need for a character to repeat what had just happened in order to fully process it, but they would sort of say it as a revelation a few chapters later, like we hadn’t just watched it happen. It made for a slightly repetitive narrative, but the story was more than compelling enough to keep you reading.

Magic: 3.5/5

I feel like we just started to unravel the current ‘known’ parts of the color magic. It was a cool experience because regular citizens know next to nothing about the magic, so we learn about it along with Jessa, and she is trying to pull apart what she was taught with what is actually true. There’s layered complexity because the color guard are trained from such a young age that they are too molded by the program and don’t really understand the full picture either. So understanding all of the magic is also a big part of understanding the world and politics. It’s a great pairing.

Overall: 3.5/5

I was quickly sucked into the story in the first few chapters and it didn’t let me go until the end. The pacing and plotting was fantastic pulling the reader forward and leaving them wanting more.

Checkout our Q&A with the Author Nina Walker

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