The Demon's Bargain (A Deal With a Demon #4) by Katee Robert

The Demon's Bargain (A Deal With a Demon #4) by Katee Robert

Published: October 4th 2022 by Trinkets and Tales LLC

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 4/5

Though the Deal with a Demon series revolves around human women making deals with a demon, and being turned over to various magical monarchs, the demons generally have small roles in the stories. So it was really fun to have a side quest, if you will, with Ramanu, one of the deal making demon, as the romantic lead.

Magic: 4/5

Witch and demon magic with a dash of demon deals and keeping the power balanced between this romantic pair.

Overall: 4/5

A quick read, but atmospheric as the characters make their way through the shadow market in search of a stolen necklace. A bit of a dark renaissance fair vibe, with lots of lust and quickly caught feelings. It was easy to enjoy.

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