This Woven Kingdom (This Woven Kingdom #1) by Tahereh Mafi

This Woven Kingdom (This Woven Kingdom #1) by Tahereh Mafi

Published: February 1, 2022 by HarperCollins

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 4.5/5

I was a little confused by one of the open scenes in this book, but I have to say that wasn’t even 10% of the way in and just after I was swept away. Alizeh’s story is timeless, the lost princess living as a servant. The world around this story, though, is so unique.

Magic: 5/5

Besides the magic of the Jinn, the story’s magic is heavily weighted to the second half of the story. It works really well, and I can’t wait to see what comes of it in the next book.

Overall: 4.5/5

I can’t wait to keep going. Alizeh and her future have me hooked. What started as a beautifully tense forbidden romance, with a lead who leaves a bit to be desired, evolves into a much more complexly woven tale.

Other books in the series:

The Throne of Broken Gods (Gods and Monsters #2) by Amber V. Nicole

The Throne of Broken Gods (Gods and Monsters #2) by Amber V. Nicole

House of Roots and Ruin (Sisters of the Salt #2) by Erin A. Craig

House of Roots and Ruin (Sisters of the Salt #2) by Erin A. Craig