RELEASE DAY REVIEW: Call of the Deep by J.C. McKenzie

RELEASE DAY REVIEW: Call of the Deep by J.C. McKenzie

We received an advanced reader copy of this book.

Published: November 26th 2021

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 3.5/5

We meet Willa when she thinks she’s hit rock bottom. Left by her fiance, downtrodden by her mother and her only refuge, her Aunt Jenny, goes missing upon her visit. Though a short novel, we get to see a lot of growth from Willa’s character. She really gets to come out of her shell, really realizing how little she’s come to expect from those she deems closest.

A paranormal romance wouldn’t go far without the tall dark and dangerous love interest. The mysterious Lon is an instant attraction for Willa. Sparks fly even before she is able to figure herself out, but a favorite outline of mine in these types of relationships is letting the heroine set her own pace and Lon does that beautifully.

Magic: 4/5

I think there is some kind of resurgence in sea magic stories? Or maybe I’ve just found a few recently? Either way, I really enjoy the call of the sea, the mer-people lore and the land/water balance.

Overall: 3.5/5

A cozy paranormal romance with mer-people, sea sprites and a stormy ocean adventure. Willa’s story is a classic of finding her voice and her own desires after being lost so long in the expectations of others.

Check out our Q&A with the Author!

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