Magical Midlife Invasion (Leveling Up #3) by K.F. Breene

Magical Midlife Invasion (Leveling Up #3) by K.F. Breene

Published: November 17th 2020

Goodreads synopsis


Myth 4/5

The same people, same world.... but now the parents have invaded the sacred sanctum that is Ivy House. Jessie has to deal with her growing feelings for Austin, the upcoming attempts to kidnap her (again), and her new house of flying gargoyles all while keeping her parents ignorant that magic now exists in her world. At least now she has her gargoyle shift down and her growing magic prowess.

Thankfully wine tasting continues to be a prominent activity in this town, and jessie manages to squeeze in some drunken fun between all her training and invasions (on multiple fronts).

Magic 4/5

It’s nice to see Jessie finally developing her own powers, with her magic separate than Ivy House, by also assuming the leadership role for her house team. The magic continues to be a source of comedy as her parents try to deny its existence in front of their very eyes.

Overall 4/5

This series is a light, fun read. It’s full of jokes, inappropriate comments from the house team and sexual tension with Austin Steele. Of course I can’t wait until the next book in the series comes out.

Other books in the series:

Nevermore (Raven Crawford #2) by J.C. McKenzie

Nevermore (Raven Crawford #2) by J.C. McKenzie

Magical Midlife Dating (Leveling Up #2) by K.F. Breene

Magical Midlife Dating (Leveling Up #2) by K.F. Breene