Borrowed Souls (Soul Charmer #1) by Chelsea Mueller

Borrowed Souls (Soul Charmer #1) by Chelsea Mueller

Published: May 2nd 2017 by Talos

Goodreads Synopsis


Myth: 5/5

I was completely intrigued by the business of renting souls. Mueller has created a dystopian urban world in which the citizens of Gem City have held all the more tightly to their religious beliefs. How then do they continue to do their dark deeds, when religion dictates that immoral activity leaves a permanent mark on your soul? Borrow a soul while executing your evil deeds of course.

Magic: 5/5

Callie has never done this soul borrowing before, and of course is only forced into it to try and save her brother. The reluctant heroine is between a rock and a hard place, and sees no other way out. Soul magic is only introduced in Mueller’s debut novel, but I have a feeling she is just getting warmed up. I expect we will learn much more about the magic driving the myth in subsequent novels.

Overall: 5/5

Fantastic start! I’m eagerly awaiting more installments. The setting and characters were intriguing (though there is much more to learn about Callie & Derek). The novel was self contained, but I’m definitely left with unanswered questions about the world being built and the myth and magic contained within.

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