The Witch is Back (Wicked Witches of the Midwest #17) by Amanda M. Lee

The Witch is Back (Wicked Witches of the Midwest #17) by Amanda M. Lee

Published: November 3rd 2020 by WinchesterShaw Publications

Goodreads Synopsis


Myth: 4/5

Bay Winchester, newspaper owner, controls ghosts and helps her FBI fiance solve crimes? 

The Wicked Witches of the Midwest are a set of cozy mysteries set in a small town in northern Michigan. Bay, her fiance Landon and the Police Chief Terry are a solid crime solving team. While Bay mostly helps with her ability to talk to and control ghosts, she also owns and runs the town paper. This at least gives a plausible reason to be poking around murder mysteries when they strike. 

Bay and Landon just recently got engaged, so their banter in this book follows the path of being together forever and compromising (and yes, don’t worry, everyone in the book tells them how gross they are to watch and listen to). 

This time they are investigating a kidnapping. A teenager in town was taken during one of the town festivals. While we’re used to Bay and sometimes Aunt Tillie showing up to help investigate, this book took a little turn in that Winnie, Bay’s Mom and Chief Terry’s girlfriend decided she wanted to help. If that’s not enough, Bay’s old boss, who tried to push her out of the newspaper before having that backfire and ultimately leaving town, is back and possibly up to no good? 

There are a lot of threads in this story, some of which get resolved in this book, while others will likely carry over into other stories. Amanda Lee also has a lot of cozy mystery series, and there is definitely foreshadowing of a little crossover action happening in our future.

Magic: 3.5/5

I love that Bay is now a badass, and gulp, maybe the most powerful Winchester Witch (we’ll see what Aunt Tillie has to say about that). I also like that Landon pretty quickly has backed off from uber protective to “she can take care of herself.”

Bay not only takes care of herself, with the ghosts she can call on command, but she also uses them to take care of others. 

Overall: 4/5

The Wicked Witches of the Midwest are probably my favorite cozy mystery series. The town gives off that small town, Stars Hollow vibe, and the Winchester Women are a delightful ensemble.

Other books in the series:

The Channeler (The Continuum Series #1) by Jenna Ryan

The Channeler (The Continuum Series #1) by Jenna Ryan

Archangel’s War (Guild Hunter #12) by Nalini Singh

Archangel’s War (Guild Hunter #12) by Nalini Singh