Light Mage (The Black Witch Chronicles #1.5) by Laurie Forest

Light Mage (The Black Witch Chronicles #1.5) by Laurie Forest

Published: August 1st 2018 by Harlequin Teen

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 4/5

This is a short story that takes place a little before and leads into the Black Witch Chronicles timeline. Sage is Elloren’s next door neighbor. From the Black Witch we know her to have given the Wand of legend to Elloren and to be the mother of an icaral. The short story gives us Sage’s story to how she ended up with the wand and what led her to abandon Gardenarian society.

For every fasting like we saw in “Wandfasted” there are just as many as described in Light Mage. Sage is fasted at 13, not knowing her fastmate and then not speaking to him again until days before the sealing ceremony. Needless to say her experience has her running from everything she knows and its those of other races, that she was taught to fear and revile that come to her aid.

Magic: 4/5

The descriptions of the light mage magic are beautiful. A riot of prismatic colors. And I can’t help but love to see Sage finally be able to user her magic (outside of Gardenarian society) and learn that she is strong.

Overall: 4/5

Just shy of a full length novel, this story answered all the questions that we had about Sage and gave us a few new ones.

Other books in the series:

Storm and Fury (The Harbinger #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Storm and Fury (The Harbinger #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Raven Crawford Series: Crawford Sibling Stories

Raven Crawford Series: Crawford Sibling Stories