The Lore of Prometheus by Graham Austin-King

The Lore of Prometheus by Graham Austin-King

Lore of Prometheus Banner.png

We received an advanced reader copy of this book.

Published: November 30th 2018 by Fallen Leaf Press

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 4/5

I wasn’t totally sure what kind of ride I was in for in the first few chapters. Carver was an interesting start, down on his luck, dealing with a lot of baggage and unsure what he was willing to do to course correct, or frankly, if he wanted to course correct. Thankfully he decided to give security consulting a go and we were able to ride along to the heart of his story, and his past military experience in Kabul.

To keep us on our toes, Mackenzie’s story was dashed in every few chapters and it was brutal. While this definitely served as a dash of foreshadowing for what Carver was up against, Mackenzie was really her own woman. She was unwilling to break and continually willing to fight her way through.

Magic: 3.5/5

We learned the magic along with the characters. There wasn’t really someone who “knew how it worked” to help us out. The closest we got to the teacher was also the mad scientist type so they seemed a bit suspect on the information that was dropped. All told it was built into the story really well and I’d say the most critical aspect was dropped toward the very end to help work through Carver’s internal conflicts. I only wish there had been more of it.

Overall: 4/5

Carver and Mackenzie’s alternating perspectives really helped to keep me on the edge of my seat through this modern fantasy thriller. While a bit of build to get to the heart of the story, the payoff was well worth it.

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