The Bridge Kingdom (The Bridge Kingdom #1) by Danielle L. Jensen

The Bridge Kingdom (The Bridge Kingdom #1) by Danielle L. Jensen

Published: June 9th 2020 by CLA

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 4/5

Kingdom political agendas collide through the marital union of Aren, King of the Bridge Kingdom and Lara, a spy sent to infiltrate his kingdom. The tension between the characters was high as they went into the arrangement with their own agendas. Feelings and complications ensue, leaving you yelling at the book, telling characters to use their words. The roller coaster of emotions you expect from an enemies to lovers romance.

Magic: NA

I would definitely label this a fantasy world, but its funny to think about because there are no fantasy elements. It’s definitely got mystical nature vibes in the Bridge Kingdom, but no magic.

Overall: 4/5

An engaging story with a heavy dose of court duties and expectations set against characters seeking to live for more. High tension and high stakes keep you flipping pages and reaching for the next book in the series as soon as you’ve finished.

Other books in the series:

The Traitor Queen (The Bridge Kingdom #2) by Danielle L. Jensen

The Traitor Queen (The Bridge Kingdom #2) by Danielle L. Jensen

Fated Blades (Kinsmen #3) by Ilona Andrews

Fated Blades (Kinsmen #3) by Ilona Andrews