A Far Wilder Magic by Allison Saft

A Far Wilder Magic by Allison Saft

Published: March 8, 2022 by Wednesday Books

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 4/5

A girl trying to hide from the world and a boy who is considered an outsider but wants this world to acknowledge him. These two are thrust together on a mythical hunt, an unlikely pairing, and therefor the slow slip into feelings was truly delightful.

Magic: 4/5

The magic of this world is alchemy, and while Wes is an alchemist and Margaret is the daughter of one, it’s not really studied that much on the page. In this world, alchemists have power, so the focus is really on power corrupting and if there is an opportunity for it to be used for good.

Overall: 4/5

Religious and immigrant persecution are at the heart of this story. Two outsiders leave their mark on a world that may not always want them. They each take different approaches to dealing with those that would say they don’t belong, but they find that similarity in each other when its least expected.

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