House of Sky and Breath (Crescent City #2) by Sarah J. Maas

House of Sky and Breath (Crescent City #2) by Sarah J. Maas

Published: February 15th 2022 by Bloomsbury Publishing

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 5/5

There is really no such thing as an SJM book that does not pack a punch. The second installment of the Crescent City series gives readers so much to sink their teeth into. Trying to enjoy their luck at avoiding the Asteri’s wrath, Bryce and Hunt are keeping as low of a profile as the saviors of the city can. Their chemistry is electric and we get all the tantalizing details of their romance.

Knowing Bryce and Hunt, we can’t expect them to stay away from trouble for long. They face off against the fae politics of Crescent City, a new Governor, a missing child and ever growing rebel activity. This story gets so huge in scope it is amazing that it fits into the 800 pages. Expect new characters, old favorites and (astoundingly) more secrets from Danika.

Magic: 5/5

After unveiling herself as a power player last spring, Bryce has little choice about her importance in Fae politics. Though Bryce is the star of the show, unleashing her new power, there is just about every magic you can think of in Crescent City. We dive into more depths (pun intended) of the mer, the fan favorite princes of Hel make showings, and epic levels of Asteri drama.

Overall: 5/5

Sweeping in scope, House of Sky and Breath takes Bryce so far from the carefree party girl, the lonely and rejected half-fae and into new powers and positions in her own right. She’s still figuring them out, and will keep you on your toes until the last page. It’s only a week since this book came out and we’re in trouble because I can’t wait for more of her story.

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