Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels #7) by Ilona Andrews

Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels #7) by Ilona Andrews

Published: July 29th 2014 by Ace

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 4/5

I loved the beginning of this because after all the drama and waiting about when Roland would make his move on Atlanta, Hugh d’Ambray walks into a Conclave meeting and just f***s s*** up, or throws the gauntlet down, whichever you prefer. It was just a fun swap from the tension of waiting to the time is now. Roland is ready to test Kate’s limits.

From there on it’s a pretty wild ride, I liked that Kate had to lead on her own for quite a bit of the story, again in a way that we saw in the last book, where she had to lead with all kinds of restraint. She couldn’t do things her normal way, she had to less about her, more about the Pack’s survival.

Magic: 4/5

Learning more about Kate’s family is a really compelling hook for me. It’s been woven into most of the stories so far and here, we finally get a glimpse of the man himself.

Overall: 4/5

While this is the moment we’ve been waiting for, it’s definitely not written as the final battle. With 3 more books to go and a lot changing quickly for Kate and Curran, I can’t wait to see where we go next.

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