Magic Rises (Kate Daniels #6) by Ilona Andrews

Magic Rises (Kate Daniels #6) by Ilona Andrews

Published: July 30th 2013 by Ace

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 4/5

Magic Rises was really fun because it gets Kate and the team out of Atlanta. They are off for a change of scenery, on a mission that is sure to be a hot mess. This is also the book of some real tests on Kate and Curran’s relationship. They’ve found a way to communicate with each other enough to fall in love, and they’ve made it through some bigger markers with the Pack, but now they head to a situation where everyone is sure that the opponents will try to control Curran through a female.

The relationship tests in this book, while expected, were challenging. It’s definitely that gut wrenching feeling as you’re in Kate’s head while she tries to tell herself what she knows about her relationship but can’t make that match up with what she sees. Just assume it will be a beautiful disaster.

The other big fun in book six is big progression on Kate’s family side. No spoilers, we just get a larger chunk of the story dedicated to what her father is after as opposed to the usual dance on the sidelines of the story.

Magic: 3.5/5

While in a foreign territory with a few new beasties, there wasn’t overall a lot of development in the magical world. That’s fine, as you can see from the Myth section, there was more than enough story to keep us occupied and Kate was still her badass self.

Overall: 4/5

As most Kate Daniels novels, it was action packed. I love that both Kate and Curran have this tightly wound rage that they always seem to keep barely leashed. It works super well in this story with a sticky political situation, insults flying at every opportunity, just waiting for that moment that someone snaps.

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