Magic Slays (Kate Daniels #5) by Ilona Andrews

Magic Slays (Kate Daniels #5) by Ilona Andrews

Published: May 31st 2011 by Penguin Group (USA)

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 4.5/5

While Kate proved herself to the pack in Magic Bleeds, Magic Slays has Kate adapting to her new role as Consort and what a life with Curran means. Easy, right? Of course, this is set against the backdrop of rising tensions of a terrorist group that is desperate to rid the world of magic. I love how this series pries into some of Kate’s deepest insecurities to have her work out her fear and rage at those feelings with some good old fashioned violence. She is a delightful heroine, not only are you rooting for her in her battles with her enemies, but you’re rooting for her in her mental battles against herself.

Magic: 4.5/5

It wouldn’t be the post-shift world of Atlanta if we didn’t encounter multiple magical groups. This installment brings Kate into more contact with witches, which I loved, because it means more digging into her family history.

Overall: 4.5/5

I love the mixture of current case, building family backstory and attempt to find happiness with Curran in a very messy world. Magic Slays has plenty of all of the above and seamlessly weaves them all together to tell a story sure to leave you on the edge of your seat.

Other books in the series:

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