Summer Reads

Summer Reads

It’s that time of year! Summer Reading has begun, we’re here to help get your TBRs up to date with books you’ll love for your summer vacation. From pirate adventures to light-hearted fantasy romance books, these are great for pool or beachside reading.


That Time I Got Drunk And Yeeted A Love Potion At A Werewolf by Kimberly Lemming

I feel like this is the ultimate fantasy romance summer read, a unique world, but not overly complex world building. A steamy and sometimes bonkers romance and lots of laughs throughout the adventure.


Second Star to the Left by Megan Van Dyke

Something about pirates always makes me think of summer, so a spicy Captain Hook and Tinker Bell reimagining seems like an easy win for a summer read. This twist on characters from Peter Pan was so fun to read and the romance leapt off the page.


Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller

Again, see note about thinking pirates = summer, Alosha is more than a match for any infamous pirate captain you can think of. She’s crafty and ruthless and also dealing with favorite coming of age themes, so buckle up for a perfect mix.


Tomes Scones and Crones by Colleen Gleason

The first in a fun new series about a small town bookshop that may or may not have book characters that leap off the page (literally). The second installment Purses Hearses and Curses just came out in March so if you like it, you can jump right into the second book too.


Stolen Shadow Bride by S.M. Gaither

Standalone romantic fantasy novella, but it’s part of a collection of short ‘stolen fae bride’ stories. This one was definitely my favorite with the “I came to kill you” trope, but some of the others were fun reads as well.

Fated Blades (Kinsmen #3) by Ilona Andrews

Fated Blades (Kinsmen #3) by Ilona Andrews

That Time I Got Drunk And Yeeted A Love Potion At A Werewolf (Mead Mishaps #2) by Kimberly Lemming

That Time I Got Drunk And Yeeted A Love Potion At A Werewolf (Mead Mishaps #2) by Kimberly Lemming