Gray Court (Black Hat Bureau #7) by Hailey Edwards

Gray Court (Black Hat Bureau #7) by Hailey Edwards

Published: March 19, 2023

Goodreads synopsis


Myth 3.5/5

I love seeing Rue and the whole crew back in action - and there was a lot of action! But at the end of the book, there was no real resolution. Despite being fast paced with lots of surprise twists, by the end of the book it all felt conveniently too much like set-up. Or maybe Edwards just knows how to leave me wanting more…

Magic 4/5

Rue needs to battle the increasingly strong hold the dark grimoire has on her and Colby’s light magic. But without confronting her father or willing to dive into its secrets, she tries to magically sterilize herself until she can figure out how to separate. But the grimoire has a mind of its own (unfortunately for Rue, fortunately for the reader) so we still get to see plenty of big shebang magic happen!

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