Late Eclipses (October Daye #4) by Seanan McGuire

Late Eclipses (October Daye #4) by Seanan McGuire

Published: March 1st 2011 by DAW

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 5/5

Give me all the Toby Daye! I am so obsessed with the growing collection of friends and allies that Toby has made over the course of these books. So many of the ‘scary ones’ are team Toby, and I love it. I love that when problems start for Toby, they really pile on. Add in my official favorite king of cats for a little chaos and a little life saving and I’m sold.

Magic: 5/5

We finally start to unpack some of Toby’s hidden depths in this book. I’m sure we have a lot more to learn, but the slow build of the world hierarchies thus far and the unveiling of Toby’s relation within it was nothing short of masterful. Especially with the introduction in previous books of the sea witch and the wild hunt, this world of the fae has power players, and they are the first born.

Overall: 5/5

I can’t get enough of Toby and her allies. She makes friends of the most unlikely creatures, though unsure why, she is stubbornly determined to be a hero or die trying simply because things need doing. She’s so easy to root for and so fun to watch, even through the dark and twisted fae side of San Francisco.

Other books in the series:

One Salt Sea (October Daye #5) by Seanan McGuire

One Salt Sea (October Daye #5) by Seanan McGuire

A Venom Dark and Sweet (The Book of Tea #2) by Judy I. Lin

A Venom Dark and Sweet (The Book of Tea #2) by Judy I. Lin