The Brightest Fell (October Daye #11) by Seanan McGuire

The Brightest Fell (October Daye #11) by Seanan McGuire

Published: September 5, 2017 by DAW

Goodreads synopsis


Myth: 5/5

I feel like I’ve been waiting for this to happen. We hear so many snippets about Toby’s mom, Amandine, in this series, but she makes so few appearances. In The Brightest Fell, she drops in to make a mess of everything, sending Toby on a missing person’s case older than she is.

Magic: 5/5

Even when you think there is no more to experience in the fae world of San Francisco, McGuire finds more. I’ve been dying to get a little more taste of Toby’s magic, and Amandine and August more than deliver.

Overall: 5/5

I loved the continued strong development of Simon Torquill’s character in this book as he goes from big bad required ally. One of my favorite character moves when it’s able to be done well, and McGuire nails it with Simon.

Other books in the series:

Night and Silence (October Daye #12) by Seanan McGuire

Night and Silence (October Daye #12) by Seanan McGuire

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